Sunday, December 1, 2019

Meals Made from Cat and Dog Meat (The Three Stooges, 1949)

The Three Stooges, Malice in the Palace, a 1949 comedy short written by Felix Adler and directed by Jules White.

The stooges Shemp, Larry, and Moe – are working in a café “somewhere in the Orient.” Two customers, told that the only things left on the menu are rabbit and hot dogs, order both. Larry leaves for the kitchen, and as he is preparing the meals, a cat sneaks in and grabs a hot dog from the table. Wielding a meat cleaver, Larry angrily chases the cat into the dining room, captures it in front of the astonished customers, and takes it back into the kitchen. He feeds the cat a morsel and then begins to hack noisily at the rabbit carcass. The cat meows all the while, and even lets out a terrible scream as Larry accidentally steps on its tail. Both the other stooges and the customers are unsettled by these sounds. A small dog then enters the kitchen. Larry, still holding the cleaver, chases after it into the dining room and takes it back to join the cat.  No one knows what to think. Shemp asks, “It couldn’t be…or could it?” As Larry resumes hacking at the meat, the dog starts to bark, and finally gives a pained yelp when the kitchen window slams on its tail. The customers wince. Larry presently brings in a platter with two plates of food. “Here you are, gentlemen!” he announces proudly. “Hot dog! When it comes to cookin’, I’m the cat’s meow!” The disgusted customers refuse to eat. 

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