Friday, December 11, 2020

Disbelief of Ritual Abuse – Accidental Cannibalism – Offside Rule Demonstration

Alison Miller is a clinical psychologist in Victoria, BC, Canada, specializing in clients who believe – either before or only after therapy – they were ritually abused as children by religious, military, political, or criminal groups. Miller takes at face value almost all of her clients’ horror stories but is resigned to the fact that the police and courts no longer seem to care much. She quotes one woman: “If a child says that daddy touched her pee-pee, the authorities take it seriously and remove that child. But if the child says daddy and mummy and granny and grandpa went out into the woods with some other people and sang strange songs and had sex with everyone and killed a dog, the authorities think that child is making things up.” Miller comments: “Sad, but often too true.”

Alison Miller, Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse (London: Routledge, 2018 [2012]), 248.


Ulrich Marzolph, 101 Middle Eastern Tales and Their Impact on Western Oral Tradition (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2020), 303. In a short essay on accidental cannibalism, Marzolph mentions a legend from Muhadarat al-udaba', an eleventh-century Arabic anthology, in which a travelling scholar visiting some Bedouins “picks small pieces of meat from a suspended cord and eats them. Only when he finished, an old woman informs him that she is responsible for the execution of circumcision (khatn) of the young women of her tribe, and that she kept the leftovers of the operation to remind her of the number of operations executed.”


Popbitch, Issue 1011

Play by pay

A rather suite story

Usually when you hear a story that starts with a record label boss throwing a party in their hotel suite, requesting that six call girls be sent up to the room, you don’t expect it to have the sort of ending you can repeat in polite company.

But when one of the founders of Global Underground did exactly that during a trip to Miami once, the only request he made of the women? That they help him demonstrate the offside rule to the Americans he was with.


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