Sunday, January 20, 2019

Toilet Paper Orientation in some Robert Crumb Comics

Where Robert Crumb, the Bruegel of the bathroom, seems to stand (or sit, as the case may be) on the question of toilet paper orientation.

[Top, left to right] “Let’s Get Outa Here!,” 1967, in The Complete Crumb Comics, vol. 4, 1989, p. 42;  “Mrs. Quiver,” Big Ass Comics #1, 1969; “Pete the Plumber,” Your Hytone Comix, 1971; “Patricia Pig in Patricia Stays at Home,” People’s Comics, 1972. [Bottom, left to right] “John Q. Public in Sunday Afternoon,” XYZ Comics, 1972; “Mr. Snoid in Once I Led the Life of a Millionaire,” R. Crumb’s Carload O’ Comics, 1976; Weirdo #5, Spring 1982, cover; “Mode O’Day and Her Pals,” Weirdo #10, Summer 1984. 

Addendum, 24 April 2020. R. Crumb Sketchbook, volume 5, Dec. 1989-Jan. 1998 (Köln: Taschen, 2020), 93. “Good-bye cruel world,” ca. 1990.

Addendum, 2 January 2021. I've been informed that this drawing by Crumb of himself in a toilet appeared in Mineshaft #39 (2020).