Thursday, February 14, 2019

Town’s Obsession with 11 – How to Get Rid of Junk – Cop Window Shops for Drugs

12 February 2019

The Swiss town obsessed with the number 11

[…] Solothurn, founded by the Romans 2,000 years ago but forgotten by many visitors today due to its proximity to nearby capital Bern, is a town preoccupied with 11. It is neither a gimmick nor the result of coincidence, and the town is home to 11 churches, 11 chapels, 11 fountains, 11 towers and 11 museums – an astonishing architectural ensemble. […]


Times Colonist [Victoria, BC, Canada]
22 March 2013

Nudge, nudge: Curbside blight now out of sight

[...] Mary Dowds wrote to suggest a clever way to get rid of undesirable items. A friend’s neighbour once attached a “free” sign to an unwanted piece of furniture and placed it on the curb. For days it sat with no takers. So the fellow took a different tack. He wrote “$100” on a new sign, and affixed it to the furniture. Within an hour, it had vanished. [...]

The Age [Melbourne]
14 February 2019

Column 8

[…] Greg Rutter of Musk (Vic) shares his trick for getting rid of unwanted furniture items (C8). He placed some items on the kerb with a sign ‘Free to Take’ written on the back of an old block print - the sign was gone within hours but other items remained out there for days. With the threat of rain, Greg "brought them inside, returning them to the kerb several days later, this time with a sign stating ‘$20’ on each. Gone in a flash!"

Just in case you were thinking this was an isolated incident, Peter Moran of Oak Flats advises: "Place anything you wish to get rid of for free (C8) on the footpath with a sign saying: 'For Sale $50'. It's almost guaranteed to disappear on the first night." […]

Anon., “Gossip,” Joint Issue (East Lansing, MI), vol. 2, no. 2, Feb. 14-28, 1971, p. 15. A dope tale from a friend of a friend. “[A] friend recently told me about a friend of his who once took 17 hits of acid. He was sitting in his room, stoned of course, when this cop came in the window. The cop pointed to his stash (which he had carelessly left lying around) and said, “What’s that?” Too stoned to react except to tell the truth, he replied “Uh, acid, mescaline – that’s hash. That’s grass. uh uh.” The cop then took his entire stash and disappeared through the window never to return.”